When I started Cycling Culture Club, I honestly had no idea where it was going to go, what it was going to be and how people would respond.

I’m lucky that two months in, the response has been nothing but positive and inspiring and I’ve never been more sure that this is worth working on.
So why the sudden certainty? Well beyond the two dozen contributors that have joined me on this journey, I’ve been overwhelmed by the positive affirmations from the community at large, which while not essential to the project itself, does wonders for me.

I spent a few days at Rouleur Live this week. For those who don’t know, Rouleur Live is a celebration of cycling in the heart of London where brands, riders and the community gather to enjoy cycling together. I worked on the show during my time at Rouleur, so I know it well, and I’ve also been able to follow as the show has expanded and diversified over the last 7 years. This year, I felt more than ever, that the show is moving in the right direction regarding the audience. Previously, I’m not afraid to say, that it’s overwhelmingly white, upper class and male, but slowly but surely, it’s becoming much more representative of London’s cycling community.
Not only did I meet a bunch of my contributors to spend face time, but I also met a bunch of potential new contributors and even more potential readers of CCC. Ideas were formed, plans hatched, and off the back of two intense days, I feel inspired and renewed to keep pushing Cycling Culture Club to where I think it can be.
Thanks to all that said hello, sent positivity my way, or simply followed along for the journey.