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Introducing: Richard Gregory

Writer's picture: Richard GregoryRichard Gregory

Welcome to CCC Introduces, our series spotlighting our amazing community of contributors.

From: Cape Town

Lives: Cape Town

Instagram: @_richgreg

Tell us about yourself

Hey! My name is Richard Gregory and I'm a 28-year-old illustrator from Cape

Town, South Africa and I love riding my bike! I’m from a small community in

Cape Town called Macassar and most of my days involve going for bike rides

(everywhere) and drawing (for business and pleasure, haha).

What do you love about cycling?

I love how cycling helps me process and heal. I think everyone experiences

a sense of freedom on a bike and for me riding has helped me get out of my

head a bit and breathe. I battle with anxiety and I think since I've started rolling

around, processing thoughts and creative ideas have become a lot easier. - I

hope that makes sense. haha but I just love it man, and it's a gift that I never

wanna take for granted. Also, it’s just fun, especially riding with different

people. It also hurts and sucks a lot of the time as well, but you end up loving

the suffering, the horrible climb up always brings a lovely downhill roll.

What barriers have you faced in cycling?

I'm fairly new to cycling so there haven't been a lot of barriers that I have

experienced, but as a bigger guy, there are small things you notice. Like how

cycling clothing most of the time looks like they're designed for slimmer

bodies and not bigger people. It's a weird one because everyone's body shape

is different, but I hope more people who aren't a size extra small decide to ride

a bike, it's so much fun and so good for you. It can also be a bit pricey, even

at an entry-level, the costs are quite high.

Why were you interested in contributing?

To be honest at the start I wasn’t even sure, when you hit me up and got in

touch I think it was just a general opportunity to connect with others. I cycle

alone most of the time and I think CCC is an opportunity to connect with

different cyclists from around the world, and hopefully, one day meet them.

Your fondest memory on the bike?

My fondest memory on a bike is probably this one solo ride I did a while

back. 100km in Cape Town. It was a scenic beautiful ride. Mostly on the road but I

just felt at peace. The legs gave out at 85km but I literally stopped at KFC for

some chicken and chips to refuel. Sometimes it’s also just the short ride to

the store that can bring lots of joy. Just trying to have some fun on the bike.


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