Welcome to CCC Introduces, our series spotlighting our amazing community of contributors.
From: South London
Lives: London
Instagram: @the_ironempress
Club: Chaingang Cyclists

Tell us about yourself.
My name is Donna McConnell, I’m a cyclist and triathlete and I’m 54 years old. I’m a journalist and ex-Showbiz Editor of Mail Online and I work for a financial tech company as an editorial production manager. I’m also a mother of one.
What do you love about cycling?
I love the feeling of freedom, riding through country lanes, the friendships made on the bike, and getting to see places through a new perspective. I love how it challenges me and makes me want to be better, even though at times it is really tough. I also love the bikes, the kit and the coffee stops.

What barriers have you faced in cycling?
I came to group cycling very late, in my 50s - so I would say the barriers I’ve faced are access and safety on London roads. I grew up on an estate in west London. We all grew up riding bikes, Choppers, Grifters, BMX, but road bikes and road bike culture was not something I ever saw or had access to. And I never saw women doing it until the 2012 Olympics. Safety was also a concern, I’ve been hit by cars twice, once deliberately which stopped me riding on the road for a few years.
The first cycling club I rode with was the Black Cyclists Network in 2020 and my interest grew from there.

Why were you interested in contributing?
Being a part of the cycling community has opened up a whole new world that I love and I want to share that. That world has been dominated by one voice and image for some time. But cycling has changed, there is more diversity in terms of race, gender, body type and age, and there is space for more diversity in the perspectives that are shared. Black women are particularly underrepresented so I’m keen to do whatever I can to encourage Black women to find and embrace cycling or any other method of movement that brings them health and joy, at any age.
Your fondest memory on the bike?
My club Chain Gang Cyclists trip to Girona in 2023 solidified everything I love about cycling. Because of it I’ve made new friends, and together we packed our bikes and rode beautiful routes in Spain culminating in an epic day climbing Rocacorba. I love the cycling but also I enjoy spending time with the people who have become family to me.
