Welcome to CCC Introduces, our series introducing our wonderful collective of contributors. Today we sit down with Dalany, the globetrotting cycling industry veteran!
From: Hereford
Lives: Tunbridge Wells
Club/team: The newest member of Southborough Wheelers
IG: @dalanywatkins

Tell us about yourself.
I’m Dalany (pronounced da-luh-nee!). I’m originally from Hereford, then lived in Italy and Switzerland for 7 years and am now setting up a new life with my girlfriend in Tunbridge Wells.
What do you love about cycling
I owe a lot to this sport. I discovered cycling when I was living and working in London and it’s been my life ever since.
With the Clapham Chasers we were either riding the lanes of Surrey/Kent or doing laps of Regent’s Park, and then when I started working in the industry it opened up a whole load of new opportunities.
I moved to the Swiss/Italian border to work for ASSOS and had the chance to ride everything from Strade Bianche to Passo dello Stelvio, Furka, Nufenen, Gottardo, to name a few. Working for BMC I was able to ride some very beautiful bikes.
I’ve met amazing people and seen unforgettable places which is what I love most about cycling.

What barriers have you faced in cycling
Being immersed in a male-dominated sport comes with its challenges and it does make it hard to get your voice heard. Since I started working in the industry in 2015, the attitude towards women’s cycling has changed but there is still a long way to go.
Why were you interested in contributing?
If it’s to do with cycling, I’m interested! Having lived and breathed the sport for nearly 10 years, I feel I have some good insight both personally and professionally.

Your fondest memory on the bike
Taking part in Tuscany Trail in 2019. 5 days of riding the world’s best gravel, eating amazing food and enjoying all that Italy has to offer.